
Poetry, art, reflections, contemplations...


This is my page for glimmers and things that I like and find inspirational.... those small moments that can spark joy, contentment, harmony and feelings of safety.

A place to pause and let yourself be inspired and energized...A place to connect with your creative contemplative Self...

Blog Updates

The Guest House
I choose to welcome today’s daylight contemplating Rumi's lovely poem…The Guest House… It has not been easy on my side…I have been offering myself a lot of patience and compassion and I have been praying for inner peace…And then, in the midst of emotional turmoil, I remembered Rumi’s words to open your heart and welcome […]
Wild Geese
A short moment of silence… Can you pause right now? Can you allow yourself to pause for a bit? How is it to just experience pausing? Do you feel some anxiety at the thought that you haven’t finished all tasks? Do you feel the anxiety rising just as you encourage yourself to do something so […]
Joy in the Now
Today...22nd of January...first thought entering my mind... "how come its the 22nd?... Just yesterday we were celebrating Christmas...  where did this time go?"... I pause...and notice some anxiety and sadness at the thought of how quickly this time goes by... Looking out the window.. Its so much light, the brightness of the sun brings joy […]

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